Obviously, tryouts are important. Tryouts are when it comes down to the wire. You've prepared for months, but there are so many girls in the gym for such a short amount of time!
As an athlete, how can you be sure you don't get overlooked?
Here are the top 3 tips for getting yourself NOTICED at tryouts!
1. Be LOUD!
- The sport of volleyball obviously requires a lot of communication, as there is a lot of people playing in a small space. A lack of communication can be the downfall of an entire team - the difference between being successful or not - just like it can be your downfall at tryouts.
- Talking doesn't JUST happen when it's your turn to play the ball. There is ALWAYS something to say. Encourage other teammates in tryouts; this shows you're a team player. Call for every ball when you're a hitter; this shows a willingness and yearning to be the "go to" girl. Call every ball well before you pass it, and don't be afraid to take a ball that might be someone else's IF they didn't call it; this shows your aggressiveness on the court.
- Don't be afraid to be "that girl." If coaches watching you play refer to you as the loudest girl in the gym, you are on the RIGHT track!
2. Wear something MEMORABLE!
- At tryouts, it's not always easy for coaches to see the number pinned on the back of your shirt. Wear something noticeable, something memorable, so that coaches can easily refer to it when talking about you. i.e. - Did you see that girl in the neon pink shirt with the matching bandana on her head? She passes nails in serve receive!
- Don't be afraid to repeat. Did you wear that pink bandana to the first day of tryouts? Well, wear it the second day! Once a coach spots you, you stay in their sights easier if you have something memorable on and you don't blend in with the rest of the athletes. Then, they will be sure to go look up your name!
3. HUSTLE everywhere you go!
- Coaches aren't basing their decisions solely on skill during tryouts. Surprised? In fact, a variety of things go in to a coach's decision making process (but we'll save that for another post...). One way to not only get seen during tryouts, but to tip the scales in your favor is to hustle everywhere you go in the gym!
- If you're shagging a ball, be running to go get it. If you're standing around waiting to go into the drill next, be the player who is making sure balls are in the carts. If the coaches huddle you up to break out for a quick water break, run to them as soon as you hear about it.
- Just broke out of the huddle to go get water? RUN to your water bottle. That will definitely grab some attention! Hustle shows coaches that you are a hard worker, which usually means that you are also a focused athlete. Hard working, focused athletes have the most potential, and coaches LOVE kids who show lots of potential!
Most of all, try to stay relaxed and have fun! After all, that's what playing volleyball is all about!
We hope these tips will help you during tryouts. If they do, let us know about it! We'd love to hear your story. Connect with us on...
Facebook! Click HERE or go to www.facebook.com/amarillojuniors
Twitter! Click HERE or find us at @amarillojuniors
Our website (currently being renovated but info is still there), click HERE or visit www.amarillojuniors.com.
If you are trying out for Amarillo Juniors in the 12s-14s age groups this weekend, be sure to click here for updates and information and here to get registered.
Happy tryouts!
- Amarillo Juniors Volleyball Club
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